75/57 Reunion

75 / 57  Class Reunion Was held August 19/20,  2022


Thanks to the reunion committee listed below,  with special recognition to Carol Cole for her role in pulling together all the necessary details.

A concensus of the attendees indicated interest in having another reunion,  and a  tentative date of September 20, 2025 at the VFW  was announced.  So,  mark your calendars,  and stay tuned.  Additional committee members are ALWAYS welcome.


The 75/57 reunion committee:

Carol Cole,  Martha Hunter ,  Donna Stewardson,  Ginny Moody,  Sally Lash,  Judy Small,  Paula DeVore,  and Clyde Wakefield

Acknoledgements to  Carol's daughter Jill for creating the reunion logo,  to Paula Devore for providing T- Shirts for door prizes,  and to Judy Small for flowers.